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Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Gadgets

Technology can also be useful to teens in various ways. I have included several things that will be helpful to the teenager who wants to be connected. A portable hard drive would be ideal for the student who works from school and home to keep track of assignments. I think the kindle eBook reader is great especially for the teen who loves to read. EBooks are generally cheaper and many books are available for free. The digital voice recorder enables classes and lectures to be recorded so they can be heard later on and used as a studying tool.

Another gadget available is a chumby. This is an alarm clock that is connected via the Wi-Fi network. It gives news, weather and other alerts to keep your teen up to date on current events. The Live scribe Pulse smartpen records audio and allows you link it to what you write this is ideal for the student who cannot keep up with the speaker. The sharper image programmable message clock allows messages to float in mid air they go directly to the clock, connection to the internet is all you need to receive and display messages from anywhere in the world.

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