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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cellphones appropriate age?

children with cellphones
I think that having a cell phone, website account or any other type of account depends on the maturity of the child or when the teenager goes to high school. Having said that I think that there is no specific age for a teenager to have phone.  The Pew Research Center study shows that 58% of twelve year olds already have a phone. That same study also showed that kids between the ages of 12-17 have a cell phone. In the UK teenagers get there first phone at eight years old, which seems young to me but again it depends on the parent. In 1999 everyone got there first phone at 20 years old.

Times have changed and technology has also but I think parents still need to give children the time to develop social skills and relations with each other face to face before cellphones and other social media accounts become involved such as Facebook and twitter.  Eight year olds in elementary schools now have cellphones and the age seems to be decreasing. With this growing number of children with cellphones schools have realized new rules to deal with cellphones on school properties.

Teens and Cellphones

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